Form Builder - Repeatable Groups with Logic

About |

Repeatable Groups - to create repeatable groups we must add visibility logic to a set of pre-created groups.

Steps |

1. Click on the New Group to create the group you wish to repeat.

2. Add the Fields you want in the repeatable group.

3. Add a Boolean field that will control the adding of repeating groups (name it something like "Add group" or "Add (“group name").

4. Duplicate the group, make sure you duplicate enough to meet the needs of anyone filling out the form.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 10.49.50 AM.png

5. Add a number or identifying character to the "Add Group" Booleans.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 11.03.31 AM.png

6. Add visibility logic to all of the groups you added.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 10.58.10 AM.png

7. Make sure the logic for each group is pointing to the Boolean in the group above it.

8. Now all of the groups have you added should be hidden until you select "Yes" on the "Add Group" Boolean.








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