Form Builder Overview

The Form Builder can be found in the forms section under "Library" on the website. This is where you go to edit or create form templates by hitting the "+ Create New" button. 

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Form Builder main page

By using the main page of the form builder, you can quickly create a custom form or edit an existing one. Use the "New Group +" button to create a group, where you can add a variety of field types to be filled out by the user. Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 8.27.29 AM.png

Requirement List

The "Requirement" table is used to set permissions and workflows associated with a form.

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Form Inputs tab

A variety of fillable fields that can be filled out in unique ways.

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Selects tab

The “Selects” Tab contains a set of field types that can be used to display selectable lists of custom or specific values. The selection field type is a multi or single select checklist. Similar to the selection field, the dropdown is multi or single select, but it displays as a dropdown list. Assets, Documents, Users, and Sites pull their information from their given sections in the Salus App/Website.

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Media tab

Fields found in the media tab allow you to embed or attach an image, add a custom signature field, or attach a web link.

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Specialty tab

This is a collection of unique fields with special capabilities. 

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