Form builder - Matrix

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Matrix - a field type that can be used to calculate the "Risk" of a certain task using Severity and Probability to output a Risk rating.

Note: A Matrix is mostly used in a table, so we will start by creating a table.

Steps | Build a form | Matrix

1. Click on the New Group (a group must be added before adding a table field).

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2. Click “New Field +”.

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3. Select the "Specialty" tab.

4. Select the "Table" option.

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5. Name your table.

6. Select the "Table" tab.

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7. Add your column types (do not type a custom column name here, naming is done after adding the types).

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8. Once the table is created, click on the Pencil icon beside the Matrix field.

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9. Rename your matrix field to Risk Matrix for example.

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10. Click on the Matrix Tab, under Matrix results, put in your Risk Rating or other desired output (Low, Medium, High).

Additional Notes:

You can add more results depending on the matrix you use.

Descriptions can be used to add additional content to the result.

Example: Low - work may continue, Medium - needs to consult supervisor, High - cease work.

The Color fields use HTML color codes to determine the color of your results: Low - green - 008000, Medium - yellow - FFFF00, High - red - FF0000.

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11. We will use this Matrix as our reference.


12. For Columns, put Probability and for Rows, put Severity.

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13. All of the inside drop downs need to be the "High, Medium, Low" shown by the colors and click Done.

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