Steps | Add a worker/Invite a worker 

1. Select “Workers” in the main menu to access your company’s workers.

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 10.17.48 AM.png

2. Select either the “+Create Worker” button or the “Invite Worker” button. 

  • Click the "+Create Worker" to create profiles for workers immediately. These workers can then follow the steps in their email to log into those accounts, or you can create a placeholder account that doesn't require an email.

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 10.14.58 AM.png

  •  Click the “Invite Worker” button to invite workers to join your company. These workers will not be added to the company when the invite is sent; they will only join the company list after the invite is accepted. Use this feature to invite workers who have used Salus in the past and already have an account or for new workers that you don't want in the system quite yet.

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 10.16.34 AM.png


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