Release Update - March 2024


🌟 Enhanced Role Visibility Across Our Platform

In a previous 2023 update, we allowed Company Admins to customize role names to match specific project requirements. This flexibility ensured that form signatures displayed the most relevant titles based on contract needs.

Now, with our latest update, you can see these custom Role names everywhere on the platform. This includes when you're sharing forms, as well as creating and editing worker profiles—just where you've told us you need it most!


📡 Improved Image Uploading in Weak Connection Areas

Uploading large images used to fail in areas with weak internet connections, leading to timeouts. To enhance this, we've introduced a feature that automatically resizes images during upload, ensuring they are more likely to upload successfully even with a poor connection. This update makes using the app more reliable and efficient, especially in low connectivity areas.


🔄 Ongoing Platform Enhancements

Each month, we're committed to improving your experience with continuous updates across the platform. These enhancements include interface tweaks, such as updates to components like comboboxes and text input areas, and functional improvements like better authorization handling and user role displays. We also focus on enhancing navigation, like adding breadcrumbs for easier movement within the platform. Additionally, we're always expanding our support for multiple languages with extensive translations, ensuring that the platform works seamlessly for everyone, everywhere.

These ongoing updates are designed to make the platform more intuitive and efficient, helping you manage your projects and teams more effectively.


🐛 Bugs & Patches 🛠️

Here's a simplified and concise summary of the latest bug fixes, each noted with an emoji for visual emphasis:

  • Date calculations for asset reminders are now accurate
  • Replaced confusing dates with "Tomorrow" and "Invalid Date"
  • Subcontractor profile filters now fully clear when reset
  • Adding/removing documents in asset maintenance dialog retains form data
  • Fixed issue full-screen view for images in forms
  • Improved Phone number validation
  • Reduced memory usage in large forms
  • Subcontractors can now add temp workers
  • Temp workers' roles can be changed
  • Fixed redirect errors in form library and admin routes
  • Loading indicators added to various data tables to retain context
  • Correct empty screen display for approved certificates when filtering
  • Fast tab changes in certificates module no longer show empty screen
  • Worker's DOB edit now enables submit button
  • Form builder clears when creating a new form
  • Editing subcontractor's worker displays correct profile
  • Optimized forms draft query performance
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