Salus enables a user to auto-email forms to any email address. This can be done in two ways, through the Site Settings section or through the Company Settings section. This function through the site section is called “Auto-emails” and this function through the Company settings section is called “Webhooks”. 

To create site auto-emails:

  1. From the main portal, click “Sites”.
  2. Search for and click into your desired site.

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 12.28.01 PM.png

  1. Click the “Settings” tab once inside the site.
  2. Click “Auto-emails”.
  3. Click “+Add Email”.

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 12.29.32 PM.png

6. From there, add the Recipient(s) (more recipients can be added by including a comma between emails), Interval to send the forms on, and which forms to send, then click “Add”.Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 12.43.06 PM.png

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