Certificates is the central place for creating, uploading, and managing certificates for all workers on the platform. As the Company Admin, you are able to perform these tasks on behalf of workers. Additionally, workers themselves can upload their own certificates to the platform, although this process necessitates additional administration from you (Admin).

For more information on managing the certificates that your workers upload, see
Certificate Approvals

Certificate status

When certificate Types are marked as “required”, the Approved tab will display a table listing each necessary certificate type for every worker associated with the company’s platform.

Note: For this reporting feature to work, certificate types must be created and assigned to all certificate entries.

For example, if the company has 5 required certificates, Tom Lee will appear in the table 5 times, once for each certificate. There will also be a status indicated for each entry.

The status indications are:

  • Certified
    Worker currently holds an up-to-date certificate.
  • Not Certified
    Worker does not hold a certificate.
  • Expired
    Worker’s certificate has expired.


Like all features in SALUS, the Certificates interface is presented in a tabular view. The available tabs are as follows:

  • Dashboard
    Shows panels of essential information for all of the company’s active workers. It summarizes the number of workers who have the required certifications and those who don’t. This includes panels that show the number of renewals due under 30, 60 and 90 days. Additionally, visualizations of the certificate requirements and workers without certificates are shown based on the type of certificate.
  • Approved
    This tab lists all workers and their status against every certificate type identified for the company. For instance, if 3 certificate types are required (Cert A, B, C), a worker would have 3 entries in the table indicating their status for Cert A, B, and C. This includes whether they are certified, not certified, or if their certification has expired.
  • Unapproved
    This tab acts as a repository for all certificates uploaded directly into the system by your workers. These certificates require approval by a Company Admin. Once approved, a certificate moves from this tab to the Approved tab and is included in all reporting. For more information on the SALUS certificate approval workflow, see: Certificate Approvals
  • Notifications
    Add emails to a list for automatic notifications to be sent to the emails on the list, 30 days before the expiry of a certificate on the company’s platform.
  • Types
    This is the area where you determine what certificates are administered by your company. There is the option to mark the certificate name/type as ‘required’ if needed.

    The certificate types listed are how the platform standardizes the names of the certificates you want to report on. As the Company Admin, you will  manually assign a Type to any certificate uploaded by workers through Salus Mobile, which ensures the naming convention is followed accurately.

  • Providers
    This is the area where you add providers to a list, which are assigned to created/uploaded certificates. This allows you to report on your providers if required.

  • Shared Links
    Allows you to share a group of worker certificates outside of the Salus platform through a shared link that you can copy and paste to your chosen audience. There are options to consolidate the data by site, certificates, and workers.
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