What is a Certificate Type ?

  • This input is mandatory. It refers to a company-specific name that you will need to create in order to group certificates. Certificate types enable you to standardize your data, providing accurate insights into who has and who does not have specific certificates.

What is a Certificate Provider ?

  • Unlike types, certificate providers are an optional input. This is the name of the certifying entity.

What is the function of Required for a Certificate Type ? How is it used ?

  • The "Required" toggle gives you the ability to flag a specific certificate type as being required in your organization. This data point is visible on the main certificates page and can be used as a filter on the SALUS certificates reporting platform.

What are the different Certificate Statuses and what do they mean?

  • Certified - This worker currently has this certification and it is still valid.
  • Expired - This worker has the certification but it is past it's expiry date.
  • Not-Certified - This worker does not have this certification at all.

What file formats are supported for uploading an existing certificate ?

  • PNG, JPG and PDF

What is an Approved Certificate?

  • When a certificate is approved, it means that it has been vetted by a company admin, assigned a certificate type and will now be included in all reporting.
  • Certificates uploaded or created by a company admin will default to "Approved" status.
  • Certificates uploaded by a worker on the mobile app will need to be subsequently approved by a company admin before shifting to the approved status.

What is an Unapproved Certificate ?

  • Unapproved certificates have been uploaded by a worker through the mobile app and are awaiting approval.
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