SALUS dashboards give you the ability to view your safety data in a dynamic and customizable way. These dashboards are designed to display a variety of visualizations all in one place. This will give you a comprehensive view of the most important information about your day-to-day operations while providing you with insights that will inform your decision-making in an impactful way. Utilize the filters to slice and dice your data in whatever way you want and then drill into any dashboard component to hone in on the details. This article will give you an overview of how these dashboards work so that you can start getting value out of them right away. Let’s get started!

There are currently 7 dashboards available in SALUS, 8 if the subcontractor portal is included in your subscription. These dashboards are accessible by clicking “Dashboards” on the left-hand navigation bar and they are separated into tabs. Here is a breakdown of each dashboard and what it does.

  • Projects
    Provides an overview of all projects/sites you have in the system including active workers, forms, incidents and actions.

  • Workers
    Bird’s eye view of all workers you have in the system including site check-ins, form signatures and form submissions.

  • Forms
    A comprehensive view of all forms signed and/or submitted in your company.

  • Actions
    View all actions across your organization including by site, status and type.

  • Certificates
    Overview of all training certificates across your company including who has what, who’s missing what and what is or is soon to be expired.

  • Assets
    Monitor all activity related to your assets including inspections, logs and maintenance.

  • Subcontractors (if applicable)
    Oversight into the day-to-day activities of your subcontractors all in one place.

  • Incidents
    Gain insight into incidents across all of your projects to identify trends and commonalities that can lead to future incident prevention.

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Dashboard Navigation

Each dashboard is going to look a little different and will contain different filters and content depending on the object and data being displayed. Each dashboard is composed of several reports which are represented by their own individual tile.

Hover over the symbol i_icon.png on each tile to reveal a description of what that particular report is showing you including whether or not that report is affected by changes to the filters.

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Use the filters at the top of the dashboard to manipulate the data so that you can zero in on what it is you want to see. Note that some reports are the snapshot of a current state and will not be affected by changes made to the filters.

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Make sure you refresh the dashboard by clicking on the Reload.png any time you change the filters in order for these changes to take effect. See the dashboard filter definitions for a better understanding of how they work and note that the filters will vary depending on which dashboard you’re looking at.

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Every visualization will include a color coded legend along the side or bottom of the tile to inform you what each data point looks like. Click on each item in the legend to either hide or reveal that data point from the visualization. The item will go black when deactivated. 

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Dashboard Filter Definitions

  • Project
    List of all available projects/sites in the company (does not include archived projects/sites)

  • Company
    List of all available Subcontractors (only applicable if the Subcontractor Portal is included in your subscription)

  • Date Range
    Use presets for pre-defined time periods or navigate to the custom tab to create a custom date range

  • Form Type
    Filter your form data based on the form categories such as “Toolbox Talk”, “Inspection” and “Hazard Assessment”

  • Form Title
    Filter your form data based on the unique form titles in your company

  • Asset Type
    Filter your asset data based on the types of assets

  • Role
    Segment your data based on the role of the users in the system, (i.e. Worker, Foreman and Company Admin)

  • Full Name
    Filter your workers by Name

  • Project Name
    List of all available projects/sites in the company

  • Certificate Type
    View your certificate data based on the custom certificate types you have created in SALUS

  • Submitted By
    Filter by who the form was submitted by

  • Subcontractor (if applicable)
    Segment your subcontractor data by company


Dashboard Drilldowns

SALUS dashboards are great at giving you an overview of what’s going on in your organization, but sometimes that’s not enough. Drilling down into a dashboard gives you the ability to move past this high level view to reveal a more detailed and granular view of your data.

By hovering over different elements of a dashboard tile you can reveal some basic information related to that data point. 

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Clicking on these elements will open a window that displays the full data set behind that element. This view will vary depending on which dashboard you are in and which report you are looking at but will include columns relevant to that particular data set.


Some elements in a data site will include deep links which allow you to navigate directly to that object within SALUS. This can include a worker or asset profile, a form, a certificate or an incident profile. Objects with deep links are identified by a little three-dot icon. Clicking the three dots will reveal the link and then clicking the link will take you to that specific object.

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Data Downloads

In addition to viewing your SALUS data in a powerful way, SALUS dashboards also offer the ability to export your data out of SALUS to be used in excel or any other data visualization tool of your choosing.

Download all data from a particular dashboard by clicking the “Dashboard Action” button (three vertical dots) in the top right corner and then selecting download.

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Choose between PDF and CSV format

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Selecting the CSV function will provide you with a .zip file containing an individual file for each component of that dashboard.

  • Download data from one tile of a dashboard by hovering over that tile, clicking the “Tile Actions” button (three vertical dots) and then selecting Download data.
  • Create an Alert and choose where to send, how often and at what time.

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  • Choose between a variety of formats including Excel, CSV or PNG.

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  • Navigate to the Advanced data options to customize your data download even further.

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Scheduled Deliveries

In addition to downloading your data, SALUS dashboards also give you the ability to schedule a regular delivery of a particular dashboard to the email address of your choosing. This is a great way to provide regular reports to executives or other stakeholders in your organization. To set this up simply follow these steps.

  • Click the “Dashboard actions” button (three vertical dots) in the top right corner of the dashboard you wish to share and then navigate to “Schedule delivery”.

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  • In the settings tab, set the cadence for the recurring delivery, select your format and enter the email address.

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  • Navigate to the “Filters” tab to further customize which data you want included or excluded in the delivery.

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  • Use the “Advanced options” to include a message and tweak the format of your delivery even more.

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