Tracking incidents is a big part of safety management, and is critical to keeping your job sites safe.

With Salus, our incident tracking feature allows you to create incident cases and link all relevant documents, forms, workers and subcontractor profiles to the case, acting as a repository for all documentation and information related to that incident.

In addition to keeping your incident cases organized in one place, SALUS allows you to create customizable incident categories. This provides you with actionable insight into your incident causes and trends which will make them more preventable in the future.

Before you begin using the Incident feature, you’ll need to set up your incident categories and types, which act as data points to report on.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Navigate to the "Incidents" section of the website.

  1. Select the Types tab and hit the "+Add Type" button (only add Types if the one you want does not already exist).

3. Give your Incident Type a name.

4. To begin adding types/options to this category, simply type in the name of the “Type” and click the “+Type” button. You can add as many types to a category as you want.

5. Use the Multi Select toggle if you want to be able to select more than one type for this category.

6. Make sure you click “Save” once you have added all of your types to the category.


7. Create as many categories as you want and move incident types by using the arrow buttons to reorder them how you want them to appear. You can also edit or archive the incident type.

8. When you click on the edit button (as shown above), you have the option to move or cancel a type. Once this is complete, select the category that you want to move the incident type to and then click the check mark to confirm.

Now that you have set up your categories, you are ready to begin creating and tracking incident profiles.

  1. Navigate to the “Active” tab on the Incidents page.
  2. Click on the “New Incident” button to get started.
  3. Populate the dialogue box with as much information as you want and click “Create Incident” once complete.

Once you have created an incident profile, you can edit and build out the incident report with more information and documentation.

When clicking into an incident profile you will see the following:

  • The Notes tab allows you to enter notes as well as attach photos and documents that live outside of the SALUS platform.

  • Use the Workers tab to track who in your organization was involved in the incident.

  • Use the Subcontractors tab to track which of your subcontractors (if applicable) were involved in the incident.

  • The Documents tab will allow you to access your documents portal to flag any documents that were relevant to the incident (Ex. A safe work procedure that wasn’t followed).

  • Use the Forms tab to bring in all forms related to the incident (ex. incident report, incident investigation, witness statement etc.).


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